Erasmus Accreditation | 2021-2027
New opportunity for Key Action 1 (KA1)
The Erasmus+ Programme has changed the education and training paradigm in Europe. Education in the European Area is now open to sharing and collaboration between the most diverse organisations of School Education, Vocational Education and Training, Higher Education and Adult Education.
The Erasmus 2020 Accreditation marks the first step for implementing of the future Erasmus Programme 2021-2027 and presents itself as a change of paradigm for the organisations, in which a yearly competition turns into continuous participation, with an accent on quality of projects and a strategic approach to institutional development.
Between 2014 and 2020 thousands of learners, teachers, trainers and education staff engaged in their mobilities across Europe to carry out study plans, training activities, job shadowing activities, teaching or training assignments in other European organisations offering school education, vocational education and training or adult education. However, the possibility of participation has always depended on a yearly application, which limits the organisations' internationalisation plans to a short span of 1 to 2 years.
The new Erasmus Programme 2021-2027 and the Erasmus Accreditation extends to all sectors and organisations the possibility of drawing up a long-term internationalisation plan, focusing on the strategic approach and institutional development, similar to what already happens in Higher Education - Erasmus Charter - ECHE (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education) and in Vocational Education and Training - VET Mobility Charter.
In the long-term perspective, the European Commission (EC) expects mobility periods supported through the accreditation process to make a decisive contribution to the creation of a European Education Area. In this wider scenario the Erasmus Programme is at the centre of this transition.
The Erasmus Accreditation Call is the first step towards the implementation of the future Erasmus Programme, which will run from 2021 to 2027. The transition between the present single-project annual calls and the accreditation scheme is extremely relevant for all organisations that wish to implement long-term plans.
This new instrument available to organisations in the school education, VET and adult education sectors confirms that the accredited organisation has prepared a strategy for the implementation of mobility activities with high quality standards, based on a development plan, and allows them, throughout the validity of the accreditation, to make yearly funding requests for the short-term planned mobilities.
Eligible Organizations
To find out if your organization is eligible in one or more educational sectors, consult the lists of eligible organizations for the Adult Education, School Education and Vocational Education and Training sectors, organized by eligible educational programs and activities or the role played by organization in the education system.
The importance of Accreditation
Accreditation in the three sectors is the next logical step in a programme with more than 30 years of experience. Being an accredited organisation means being part of a larger project, an idea that aims at developing and improving the education and training system in Europe on a permanent and continuous basis. Accredited organisations become trusted programme partners in providing activities of high quality and the added value they can bring to the programme, thus creating the basis for establishing longer and more lasting partnerships.
Future perspective
Accreditation provides a long-term perspective with the elaboration of a strategic development plan for the organisation - the Erasmus Plan - rather than focusing on the short-term perspective of details about day-to-day management of activities.
Once the applicants pass this first step of becoming accredited, organisations will have easier access to Erasmus funding under Key Action 1 and will be able to dedicate themselves to continuous improvement and to searching for added-value activities.
Credibility and reputation
Easier access to the programme allows your organisation to use Erasmus funding to support its gradual internationalisation. Transnational mobility can be integrated into curricula and training schemes with a long-term perspective, thus enhancing the organisation’s attractiveness.
This improvement will enhance the organisation’s reputation, thus turning it into a reference in its education and training area, for learners and trainees as well as for teachers, trainers and education staff.
Erasmus Experience
The experience in the Erasmus+ Programme is an asset; the lack of experience is an opportunity. Make the most of the new programme and risk everything to be part of the Erasmus family.
Your level of experience just points the way.
If your organisation participates or has participated in previous international cooperation programmes like Erasmus+ and wants to participate in the Erasmus programme on a continuous basis, then grab the opportunity and apply for Erasmus Accreditation. Set goals for your organisation, devise your Erasmus Plan and start preparing your application.
If your organisation is experienced in education and training, but does not have much experience in international cooperation and would like to be part of this family, you will still have the opportunity to apply for regular projects yearly (2021 Call for Applications is scheduled for October / November).
Look for information, speak with project coordinators from more experienced organisations, or with participants in project activities, and take part in information events by the National Agency.
Start considering the opportunities ahead and the doors that can be opened with Erasmus.
No organisation is left out
Your organisation is not ready to start an accreditation process now? Do not worry. The purpose is to simplify and promote access to organisations. An Accreditation Call will be published every year. If this year is too early, prepare your application for next year.
An accredited consortium is an excellent opportunity for both the coordinator and the members of the consortium.
Applicants can apply for an individual Erasmus accreditation for their organisation or for an Erasmus accreditation for mobility consortium coordinators.
Accredited consortium coordinators can then involve other organisations in their country in Erasmus through their consortium. The consortium members do not have to be accredited, which means that the consortium is a great way to join the programme without having to apply yourself. Consortia are very flexible – each year the coordinator can add new members.
VET Charter
Organisations currently holding a valid Erasmus+ VET Mobility Charter will continue to develop their Erasmus Plans by transferring their accreditations to the future programme (2021-2027). Just write a simplified application for VET Charter holders by introducing your VET Charter code in the application.
NOTE: This accreditation is not a guarantee of access to funds.
Your Erasmus National Agency supports you
Accreditation is a new process and there are some uncertainties. It is perfectly normal.
You can rely on your National Agency Erasmus+ Education and Training to answer all your questions and to provide you with all the necessary advice and guidance to navigate through the application process. By email or by phone, we are always available.

Digital Seminars Erasmus KA1 Accreditation

Seminário Digital de Apoio - Ensino e Formação Profissional

Sessão Digital de Apoio - Ensino Escolar e Educação de Adultos

Seminário Digital Acreditação Erasmus KA1 - 2021-2027 | Parte II