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European Students’ Union

The European Students’ Union (ESU) is an organisation that includes 45 National Unions of Students in 39 countries; it represents the cultural, social, educational and economic interests of students at a European level.  Learn more >

Public Competitions

Public competitions taking place in European Union institutions and entities, especially those located in Portugal.  Learn more >


Vocational Education and Training (VET)  institutions may apply for mobility activities through the European Credit System for Vocational Education & Training (ECVET). A condition for using ECVET is participating in an ECVET partnership binding organisations involved in:  identification of satisfactory learning results during mobility activities; providing VET programmes suitable to the required needs; learning results assessment; validation and recognition of trainee credits upon their return to the respective institutions in their home countries.  Teams of national experts promote the adoption, application and use of ECVET in Programme countries and advise competent teaching and professional training institutions. Learn more >


National coordinators appointed by national authorities contribute to implementing the European Framework to ensuring quality in Vocational Education and Training. Their aim is to implement the work programme, to foster the development of the EQAVET framework, ensure quality, measure success, identify areas to be improved and ensure that information is effectively addressed to all interested parties. Learn more >

Equity and Inclusion

The NA has taken the initiative to set up an internal working group (EI WG) to address inclusion issues, with a special focus on Special Needs currently. Thus, we seek to boost the participation of this target group in the Erasmus+ Programme.

The EI WG organises an annual event designed not only to celebrate the International Day of People with Disabilities (held on November 30, when this date falls on a working day), but also to promote the Erasmus+ Programme. The aim is, therefore, to raise awareness for training opportunities addressed to education and training professionals and to provide information about special needs institutions in Europe. It also deals with relevant issues that inspire, not only the fight against exclusion, but also the creation of projects, either for professional mobility or transnational partnerships. Learn more >

Erasmus Days

Do you participate or have participated in Erasmus+ projects? This is the opportunity to make your project known or to share your experience. Join the #Erasmusdays.
Erasmusdays IV edition – Let’s celebrate together the Erasmus+ Programme! 

Learn more >


The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is the largest student association in Europe. It was created in 1989 and registered in 1990 to support and develop student exchange. It operates in more than 430 HEI in 37 countries, it has roughly 13,500 active members and involves approximately 29,000 young people providing services to around 180,000 international students annually. Learn more >

International Internships

Internship opportunities. Learn more >

EuroApprentices 2020

The EuroApprentices is a European network of VET trainees who had participated in an Erasmus+ mobility. 
This network supports trainees who have taken part in a training or apprenticeship mobility abroad to work together nationally and internationally and to encourage others to take up the opportunities of Erasmus+ for VET learners and apprentices.
Each year, the EuroApprentices Network brings together Erasmus+ funded apprentices at an Annual Network Meeting, held in various European locations. This meeting is an opportunity for EuroApprendices to share their individual mobility success stories abroad, meet with other apprentices from across Europe and strengthen their identity

Apply at your school. Participate, you only have to win!
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Designed to help people to document skills and qualifications in a clear and transparent way throughout Europe, Europass facilitates communication between job applicants and employers as well as mobility for the purposes of work or study. The first point of contact for any individual or organisation interested in using or getting to know more about Europass is the National Europass Centre, which coordinates all activities related to Europass documents. Learn more >

Exchange Ability

This ESN project seeks to support students with disabilities, helping them overcome barriers to their participation in international mobility projects.  Studying abroad is challenging for all young people, but can prove to be even more difficult for students with special needs. Learn more >

Go Abroad

Opportunities for international travel can be found here. Learn more >

Mov'in Europa (ME)

This is another ESN initiative to promote learning through information sharing and learning experiences in the context of international mobility. Mov'in Europe ambassadors reveal international mobility opportunities, including mobility for studies, internships or even volunteer activities. Learn more >


NARIC (National Academic Recognition Information Centre) is the national centre devoted to addressing issues related to academic recognition of foreign degrees and diplomas in higher education.

This centre includes the ENIC-NARIC network, composed by information centres in European Union member countries and those in other countries members of the Council of Europe and UNESCO. 

Learn more >

Network of Role Models

In a Europe facing growing inequalities and the threat of violent extremism, it is essential to highlight common European values such as democracy, solidarity and respect for human rights.
The Network of Role Models initiative, launched by the European Commission in 2017, under the Erasmus + Programme, aims to promote social inclusion, prevent exclusion and radicalization, encourage active citizenship and create a commitment to European values.
The implementation of this initiative aims, therefore, to contribute to achieving the objectives of the Erasmus + Programme and the goals of the 2020 Strategy, namely, the promotion of equity, social cohesion and active citizenship.


To support the development of this initiative, in Portugal, the Erasmus+ National Agency (ANE+EF) defined as partners the Municipalities (members of the Portuguese Territorial Network of Educating Cities), in order to have a greater national scope. Thus, it is intended to involve citizens who stand out in their communities and who serve as an example or source of inspiration for other people.

This initiative has already had two editions (2018/2019 and 2019/2020), developed with some Municipalities, from the seven regions of the country (NUTSII), focusing on themes such as the risk of poverty, exclusion and / or violent radicalization, abandonment early school, NEET  (young people neither in employment nor in education and training) people from socially disadvantaged background, and people with disabilities.

To be chosen as a Role Model (RM), citizens must be available to share their story and / or experience. The RM selected by the Municipalities fit into special needs or other problematic situation, allowing different perspectives of inclusion to be worked on. The activities must be chosen in such a way as to contribute to a certain result depending on the socio-educational area selected by partners.

In the first edition (2018-2019), the AN had eight Municipalities (from Loulé, Palmela, Odivelas, Torres Vedras, Santa Maria da Feira, Vila Real, Valongo and Câmara de Lobos). In the second edition of 2019/2020, the AN+EF counted with the participation of ten Municipalities (from Lagoa / Algarve, Moura, Palmela, Amadora, Torres Vedras, Santa Maria da Feira, Vila Real, Paredes, Câmara de Lobos and Lagoa / Azores).


This initiative, promoted by AN+EF, is documented in the annual brochures and on the site.


A search engine for educational opportunities in Europe. Learn more >


The traineeship platform for students and international projects co-financed by the European Union between 2011 and 2014 through the Erasmus programme for the European virtual market of projects and traineeships. Learn more >

European Qualifications Framework (CEDEFOP)

National Coordinators support national authorities in establishing the National Qualifications Framework, which references the European Qualifications Framework and includes areas related to certificates of qualification, diplomas and Europass documents issued by the relevant authorities. Learn more >

Euroguidance Network

The European network of national resource centres whose aim is to promote European educational and professional training and provide information about lifelong learning and mobility for learning purposes. It is designed for professional technicians and decision makers in both the educational sector and the employment sector in European countries. Learn more >

Eurydice Network

This network contributes to a better understanding of the structure and organisation of European systems of education. It includes detailed descriptions and general perspectives of national education systems, comparative thematic reports, indicators and statistics and a variety of facts and figures on education, such as national educational structures, school calendars, teacher salary comparisons and required teaching periods in the various countries and levels of education. Learn more >

European Language Label

The European Language Label is awarded to local, regional, and national projects that have found creative ways to improve the quality of language teaching, motivate learners, make the best use of available resources to diversify the languages on offer, and other innovative initiatives.
The European Language Label is granted to inspiring initiatives encouraging learning languages as part of the shared European goal to enable citizens to communicate in two languages other than their mother tongue.
Every year or every two years, a number of innovative projects have been 
awarded this Label across Europe. The Label covers all levels of education, and addresses everyone and all sectors. All languages, including sign languages, are eligible.  Learn more > 
2020 Applications: 

Survival Guide by ESN Portugal

The Survival Guide by ESN Portugal is a support guide created by Erasmus Student Network (ESN) aiming to help incoming students in their integration in Portugal. In this document you can find cultural information as well as a diverse set of activities you may do during your stay in Portugal. This Guide also provides contact details for national volunteers from the 14 local associations: ESN Algarve, ESN Aveiro, ESN Bragança, ESN Castelo Branco, ESN Coimbra, ESN Covilhã, ESN UÉvora, ESN Leiria, ESN Lisboa, ESN Madeira, ESN Minho, ESN Porto, ESN Tomar and ESN UTAD. 

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